Call for Papers

Guidelines for intWOJDE

Please read through the guidelines below before submitting your paper.

Contents for intWOJDE    

int.WOJDE is a double blind peer-reviewed and biannual online journal since 2019. Contributions for all journals may include research papers, case studies, tutorials, courseware experiences, evaluations, review papers, and viewpoints. Int.WOJDE invites mainly the proposals from the introductory through advanced level on all topics related to:

  • the using of information and communication technologies in distance education for women,
  • instruction and knowledge about new learning technologies in distance education for women,  
  • the using of information and communication technologies in distance education by women,
  • instruction and knowledge about new learning technologies in distance education by women.

In this meaning listed fields are suited for intWOJDE;

  • Economic, Social and Cultural Dimension of Distance Education for/by women,
  • Pedagogical, Political, Philosophical, Legal, Ethical Reflections in DE for/by women,  
  • Organization in DE for/by women,
  • Needs Assessment in DE for/by women,
  • Staff Training in DE for/by women,
  • Program and Material Development in DE for/by women,
  • Professional Experiences on DE for/by women,  
  • Financial Planning of DE for/by women,
  • Learning Resources in DE for/by women,
  • Digital Libraries an and Virtual Universities,
  • Guidance and Counseling for/by women,
  • Communication for/by women,
  • Multi-Media Software for/by women,
  • Web Technology, Internet for/by women,
  • Network Software for/by women,
  • Feedback Mechanisms in DE for/by women,
  • Measurement in DE for/by women,
  • Quality Control and Evaluation in DE for/by women,
  • Production of Quality in DE for/by women,
  • Performance Evaluation(s) in DE for/by women,  
  • Interaction in DE for/by women,  
  • DE in the Future in DE for women,
  • DE and Globalization for/by women,
  • Distance Online Learning in DE for/by women,
  • Building Knowledge Network(s) in DE for/by women,  
  • Internet Privacy and Security Issues for/by women, 
  • Equity, Justice and Human Rights in DE
  • DE and Industry Partnership(s) in DE for/by women,   
  • Professional Development(s) in DE for/by women, 
  • Standards and Assessment(s) in DE for/by women,   
  • Evaluation Methods in DE for/by women, 
  • Assistive Technologies in DE for/by women, 
  • The Changing Roles of the Teacher in DE for/by women,   
  • Virtual Reality in DE for/by women,
  • Dynamism and Dimensions of DE in 21' Century in DE for women,

General Guidelines and Submission Evaluation Criteria

The material must be original, scientifically accurate, and in good form editorially. The manuscript should be informative, summarizing the basic facts and conclusions, and maintaining coherence and unity of thought.

  • Value or usefulness the field or profession,
  • Adequacy of design and accuracy of analysis,
  • Presentation and interpretation of findings, discussion, and conclusions,
  • The inclusion of appropriate implications for practice and policy,
  • Overall clarity of ideas and expression,
  • Significant and timely,
  • Consistency with existing literature,
  • References to relevant existing work, and
  • Grammatical construction; writing style; use of non-sexist language.


This journal is copyrighted by intWOJDE. Material published and so copyrighted may not be published elsewhere without the written permission of intWOJDE. No manuscript will be considered which has already been published or is being considered by another journal if not necessary.

An int.WOJDE copyright form will have to accompany your submission. Authors are responsible for obtaining any security clearances. All authors have to sign the copyright transfer form. The signed copyright form has to be scanned and uploaded by using the corresponding copyright form upload interface on the website. There are some restrictions regarding the length of the copyright file, so please read carefully the instruction provided there.

          Copyright Form (.docx) (Published by 11th March, 2025)

Handling of Manuscripts for intWOJDE  

All manuscripts are acknowledged upon receipt. A review is carried out as promptly as possible. The manuscript will be reviewed by at least two/three members of the Editorial Review Board, which takes approximately from one week to the three months by the tolerance of Editor-Chief of intWOJDE. However, the manuscript submitted by the Editor/s of intWOJDE will NOT be reviewed ethically. When a decision for publication or rejection is made, the senior author or author designated to receive correspondence is notified. At the time of notification, the author may be asked to make certain revisions in the manuscript, or the Editor may submit suggested revisions to the author for approval.


Articles must be sent as an attachment to your e-mail address by corresponding authors. Microsoft WORD is the preferred word processor format. Written manuscripts should be in English.

Please download the links below to see intWOJDE manuscript template:

         Paper Template (.docx)  (Published by 11th March, 2025)

The manuscript must conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th Edition.

Manuscripts should be single-spaced, and with TAHOMA font face must be Tahoma in 10 punto, in bold style. Paper Size must be A4.

Cover Page

The name(s), affiliation(s), address(es), and phone, fax, and email address(es) of the author(s) centered between margins must appear on a separate cover page. Manuscripts are double blind peer reviewed so there must be no indication of the author(s) name on the pages, except in appropriate citations. Multiple authors should be delimited by a single blank line. Use a Tahoma, 12 points. Please do not put any acknowledgments or thanks here, but place them in the optional Acknowledgement section.


An informative, comprehensive abstract of 200 to 250 words must also be submitted and typed on a separate page. This abstract should succinctly summarize the major points of the paper, and the author's summary and/or conclusions. Start the abstract with the sequence "ABSTRACT" (without the quotes and in capital letter) in 10 point bold-face without a line break after "Abstract:" in blue color. Leave 1 blank line after the abstract.


NOT exceed 7 words. Keywords must appear after the abstract on the same separate page in red color.


The title should start with a capital letter, unnumbered and centered between the margins. Use a Tahoma, 14 points, bold font for the title. The body of the paper must begin immediately after the title. Leave 2 blank lines after the title.

Running Text

In general, manuscripts must be between 10 and 15 single-spaced pages including the references, figures, and tables. Research Briefs and Notes for Editor, Reviews may be shorter, normally between 03 –15 pages. Use italic print to emphasize words (Bold type and underlining must be avoided).

The text must always be justified to occupy the full line width so that the right margin is NOT ragged. Leave 2 blank lines at the end of the text.

Biodata and contact Addresses must be indicated via portrait photo and full contact addresses.  Please provides scholarly information about author/s of 100 to 150 words must also be submitted. Leave 2 blank lines after biodata with a capital letter and in blue color.

Financial Support

Authors should note any financial support or grants under which the study was conducted just prior to the Acknowledgments section.

  • If the study did not receive any external funding or financial support, do not include the "Financial Support" heading in your manuscript or state: "No external funding was received for this study."
  • Leave two blank lines after the financial support statement.


This is an optional section. Acknowledgments or appreciation to individuals for assistance with the manuscript or with the material reported should be included as a note to appear at the end of the article prior to the References in red color. Leave 2 blank lines after acknowledgments.


Reference must conform to the style of the Publication Manual of the APA7th Edition. Start the reference(s) with the sequence "References:" (without the quotes) in 10 point bold-face Tahoma and leave 1 blank line after "Reference" with capital in blue color.






If you do not have an Outlook-like application on your system, send your manuscript to